jane gifford
jane gifford is a writer and photographer specialising in travel, garden, wildlife and environmental issues
author photographer journalist
jane gifford's photography and writing has often been featured in magazines like Country Living, Homes & Gardens, Country Life, The English Garden, House & Garden, France Magazine, Italy Magazine, Italia!, Country Homes & Interiors and many others over the past 20 years
samples of jane gifford's work as a writer & photographer on following pages

all photographs copyright © jane gifford 2016
jane gifford author & photographer
Oxford Illustrated Press 1992
on the strength of this book jane gifford was invited to design and photograph the 1994 International Kodak Calendar

jane gifford is author of
The Celtic Wisdom of Trees - mysteries, magic and medicine
this was first published in hardback UK and USA 2000. first UK and USA paperbacks were published 2001
jane began the project in the late 80s, inspired by Robert Grave's translation of the poem The Battle of the Trees, taking the photographs and researching the subject for many years.
jane produced the rough design for the book for David & Charles 1998. jane owned the copyright to the entire work. David & Charles and their contract were great to work with.
David & Charles was taken over soon after. this delayed publication by one year. Godsfield Press & US publisher Sterling took over the project.
then Hamlyn bought Godsfield Press. we weathered the takeover storms but eventually got lost in the flood. sadly a typical story of modern-day takeovers.
D&C's contract & jane's copyright to the entire project was ignored. subsequently a book loved by many disappeared. we hope it comes back ....
there have been many paperback runs with Godsfield Press & Hamlyn. the latest run of UK paperback is called The Celtic Wisdom of Trees
In USA the book is called The Wisdom of Trees.
The Celtic Wisdom of Trees - mysteries, magic and medicine has been translated in to Japanese and German.
copyright © jane gifford 2016

Wilderness Britain
greenprint for the future
Bellamy & Gifford 1992
UK hardback 2000
The Celtic Wisdom of Trees
UK paperback 2001
The Celtic Wisdom of Trees
UK paperback 2006
The Wisdom of Trees
US paperback 2001
The Wisdom of Trees
UK paperback 2006.
The Celtic Wisdom of Trees
Japanese hardback 2003
The Celtic Wisdom of Trees
Japanese paperback 2006
copyright © jane gifford 2016
this site is currently being updated